
Mit großer Freude haben wir erfahren, dass unsere indische Partnerorganisation Calcutta Rescue den ersten Platz der mittelgroßen indischen NGOs beim NGO Award für das Jahr 2009 erhalten hat. Aus mehr als 200 eingereichten Bewerbungen konnte sich unser Partner trotz großen Wettbewerbs durchsetzen. Die jahrzehntelange Arbeit und die ständigen Bemühungen zur Verbesserung und Optimierung wurden honoriert. Der Preis wurde am 17. September 2010 vom Minister für soziale Gerechtigkeit Herrn Mukul Balkrishna Wasnik in New Delhi übergeben.

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In den nachfolgenden Videos wird die Bewerbung dargestellt.


Nachfolgend der englische Text der Pressemitteilung:

The 2009 India NGO Awardees with Mr Mukul Wasnik, Honb’le Minister for Social Justice & Empowerment, Mr. Ashvin Dayal, Mananging Director,Asia, The Rockefeller Foundation, Ms Neelam Makhijani, CEO, The Resource Alliance

India NGO Awards 2009

Celebrating Success… Rewarding Excellence

The India NGO Awards for 2009 were given out at  glittering ceremony on September 17, 2010 by Mr. Mukul Wasnik, Hon’ble Minister for Social Justice and Empowerment. Also present at the occasion were, Mr. Ashvin Dayal, Managing Director-Asia, The Rockefeller Foundation and Ms.Neelam Makhijani, Chief Executive Officer, The Resource Alliance.

The India NGO Awards organised by the Resource Alliance and supported by The Rockefeller Foundation have been instituted to advance India's non-profit sector by recognising and felicitating those organisations that have demonstrated best practices in creative resourcing, financial management, governance and impact in the community.  The Awards have been instituted in 3 categories- small, medium and large based on annual budgets of organisations and three National Winners were finally selected from among fifteen Regional Winners - each doing exemplary work.

The India NGO of the Year 2009 was awarded to:

Salaam Balak Trust, Mumbai (Category: Small)
Calcutta Rescue & India Foundation for the Arts (Category: Medium)
DHAN Foundation (Category: Large)

While applauding this initiative and the work done by the awardees, Shri Mukul Wasnik said, “there are NGOs who are working silently in this country and it is very important that an award like this gives them the recognition they truly deserve. The civil society is contributing in a huge way by bringing about an attitudinal change in the society. Problems like female foeticide, illiteracy and unemployment could be addressed more effectively if these NGOs start working closely with the government”.

The jury for this year’s India NGO Awards included: Ms Rohini Nilekani, Chairperson Arghyam; Mr Arun Maira, Member, Planning Commission; Mr Rowland Roome, CEO, Aga Khan Foundation; Mr Ajay Mehta, Executive Director, National Foundation of India and Mr Pradeep Gupta, Chairman and Managing Director, CyberMedia (India) Ltd.

Speaking on the occasion Mr. Ashvin Dayal, Managing Director-Asia, The Rockefeller Foundation, said, “The Rockefeller Foundation is honored to support the India NGO Awards, which, by recognizing these outstanding organizations, is enabling individuals, communities, and institutions in India to access resources that will help them to harness the benefits of globalization and improve the lives of their most poor and vulnerable people”.

“The Awards aim to unleash the potential of individuals and organisations to reach greater heights” says Ms. Neelam Makhijani, CEO, The Resource Alliance.

An elated recipient of the award Dr. G. M Rahaman of Calcutta Rescue said, “It is really encouraging to see that our efforts are finally being recognised and our endeavour to ensure ethical standards of operation is being finally rewarded. On behalf of the NGO fraternity I extend my heartfelt gratitude to The Resource Alliance for having initiated this award.”